Toji no Miko Wiki

Sawano Fukuda
Rarity: 1★ School: Minoseki Academy
Voiced by: Larissa Tago Takeda
Stats at Level 1
IconStatsHeart Heart 22
IconStatsTechnique Technique 2
IconStatsBody Body 12
Support Skill
IconSkillDebuffDefense 調虎離山
Lure the Tiger Out of the Mountains
SP Cost: 20
At Level 1:
  • IconSkillDebuffDefense For 3 turns, lowers the Defense of a single Frontline enemy member by 10

Sawano Fukuda
Rarity: 2★ School: Minoseki Academy
Voiced by: Larissa Tago Takeda
Stats at Level 1
IconStatsHeart Heart 42
IconStatsTechnique Technique 14
IconStatsBody Body 24
Support Skill
IconSkillDebuffDefense 関門捉賊
Shut the Door to Catch the Thief
SP Cost: 25
At Level 1:
  • IconSkillDebuffDefense For 3 turns, lowers the Defense of a single Frontline enemy member by 20

Sawano Fukuda
Rarity: 3★ School: Minoseki Academy
Voiced by: Larissa Tago Takeda
Stats at Level 1
IconStatsHeart Heart 78
IconStatsTechnique Technique 26
IconStatsBody Body 44
Support Skill
IconSkillDebuffDamageReceived 声東撃西
Make A Sound in the East, Then Strike in the West
SP Cost: 35
At Level 1:
  • IconSkillDebuffDamageReceived Increases the Attack Damage received by all enemy members by 12%

Obtained from[]

  • Regular Recruitment Gacha


  • The names of the skills of Sawano Fukuda's Support Members are all derived from the Thirty-Six Stratagems.
    • "Lure the Tiger Out of the Mountains" is an Attacking Stratagem that advises against fighting an enemy from its advantageous position.
    • "Shut the Door To Catch the Thief" is a Chaos Stratagem that promotes patience before dealing the final blow on an enemy by blocking off the enemy's escape routes.
    • "Make a Sound in the East, Then Strike in the West" is a Winning Stratagem that emphasizes the importance of the element of surprise (through feints and manipulation) in battle.


Sawano Fukuda (福田 佐和乃 Fukuda Sawano) is a 16-year-old second year high school student of Minoseki Academy. She is a practitioner of Kyoshin Meichi-ryu (鏡新明智流) and uses the okatana Izuminokami Kanesada (十一代会津兼定 (和泉守兼定) Juuichi-dai Aizu Kanesada). Minoseki, which honors tradition, grants all of its students permission to read its extensive book collection, and for a history buff like Sawano, the library is comparable to Heaven itself. Failing, taking supplemental exams and receiving injuries from combat meant less time to spend in reading, so she enthusiastically spends a lot of time steadily polishing her combat style. Also, she has a habit of making fun of exaggerated historical aphorisms when they become the topic: "that's just second-hand knowledge, though".


  • The name Sawano means "help, aid" (佐) (sa), "harmony, peace" (和) (wa) and "from" (乃) (no).
  • Sawano's surname Fukuda means "fortune" (福) (fuku) and "field, rice paddy" (田) (ta/da).